What payment methods are available on Billetto?

What payment methods are available on Billetto?

We accept a variety of different card payment types:


  • JCB
  • American Express
  • MasterCard
  • Visa
  • Visa Electron
  • Paypal
  • Klarna
  • Google Pay
  • Apple Pay

We additionally offer country-specific payment methods such as:

iDeal - The Netherlands

MobilePay - Denmark

Swish - Sweden

Vipps - Norway


Payments will go through Stripe, Reepay, and QuickPay platforms. Both platforms are audited regularly and use the highest encrypted secure channels for all card payments.


For more information about our providers see here:

Stripe: https://stripe.com/about 

Reepay: https://reepay.com/da/pci-dss-security/

Quickpay: https://quickpay.net/features/security