Reserving seats

Reserving seats

If you want to reserve seats without assigning them to specific participants, you can do so on our platform.

  • Go to My Events;
  • Click Manage on your venue map event;
  • Go to Venue and then Reservations;
  • Click on Create a new Reservation;
  • Select the seats you want to reserve;
  • Add a name and an access code (a code the user will enter to gain access to the seat);
  • Save.


Link a campaign with reserved seats

You can link a campaign to your reservation so that seats are unlocked and available for purchase.

  • Go to My Events;
  • Click Manage on your venue map event;
  • Go to Campaigns & Offers and then Campaigns;
  • Click Create campaign;
  • Fill in the name and go to the next step;
  • Enter Target audience under Type;
  • Select Target group under Target group (the name of the reservation);
  • In the next step, you specify Make space available for the target group member;
  • Start the campaign;
  • Share the code with the person for whom the seats are reserved.