Add booking questions to a Google Sheets spreadsheet as they come in [Zapier Integration]

If you would like to view the answers to your event(s) booking questions as they come in, you can create this simple Zapier integration. 


In order to add your booking question answers to Google Sheets: 

Before you begin creating this integration, we recommend you to set up a Google Sheet Spreadsheet with information you would like to have populated in the sheet (booking questions, ticket buyer name, email address, event ID - if you have multiple events). This will make it easier for you to set it up. 

You also need to have at least one Booking Question answer for the event you want to get the answers to. If you don't have any sales for your event yet, we recommend you create a "free" ticket and make a purchase for your event and answer the questions. This needs to be done as Zapier will be testing for the information you'd like to import & it needs a live example. 

  • Log in or Sign up for Zapier;
  • Click on Make a Zap (depends on your view, but most often it's on the left-hand side of your screen);
  • Search for Billetto in your first step: 

  • If you have added Booking Questions to be asked "Once per order" choose the "Order Completed" option here. If you are asking Booking Questions "Per Ticket", choose the "Attendee Registered" trigger;
  • Next, you can sign in to your Billetto account or if you're already signed it, simply pick the organiser account you'd like to use;
  • Click on "Test trigger". Zapier will then look for the information that's available on your Billetto account. As mentioned above, you should have at least one attendee with booking questions in order for Zapier to test this;
  • Here's the example of a successful test:


  • Click "Continue" to add a new action;
  • Next, search for Google Sheets in the App menu: 


  • Choose "Create a Spreadsheet Row" from the selection provided & click "Continue";
  • Next, you need to sign in to your Google account;
  • Once connected, choose your Google Drive (mostly likely it's simply called My Google Drive):


  • Then find the spreadsheet you have created (as per notes above). if you have not yet created a spreadsheet, simply make one in your Google Drive and add the headers for the information you'd like to import;
  • If you have multiple sheets in the spreadsheet, you can select a specific sheet. You'd want to do this if you have multiple events and you'd like to send information about a specific event into a specific sheet. We'll explain how to do this below;
  • Now, you just need to populate the fields with the information you want to be sent to the sheet. Here's an example:


In this example, we find the event ID value in the drop-down that's imported from our attendee information. You simply select the value and it will be imported into the Google Sheet. We'll do this with the rest of the information. Simply search for "Booking question response" to find your Booking Questions & answers and connect them to appropriate fields. It should look like this: 


  • If you're happy with this setup, simply test & save the zap. Don't forget to name it and turn it on. Now all of your incoming answers will be added to a Google Sheet. 

    If you have multiple events or a recurring event & you would like to send Booking Question answers for a specific event to the Google Sheet spreadsheet, you can apply a filter between the Billetto & Google Sheet connection. 


  • After you have set up a Billetto trigger, simply search for "Filter" in the app list;
  • In the "Only continue if..." field choose "Event ID";
  • Select "(Text) Exactly matches" in the next field;
  • Enter your event ID in the last field;


NOTE: When you test this connection, you might get an error if the example that Zapier has pulled from your account does not match this event ID. In this case, you can come back to the previous step & click on "Find Data". Click on "Attendee" (or "Order" if you ask for booking questions per order) & you will see a selection of other samples or you can choose to "Load more". Try to select a different value and see if you can find a matching event ID in the sample you have pulled. You need to match the sample to the rule you're setting up in order for the trigger to successfully test. 

NOTE: This solution requires you to create a free Zapier account. Zapier has free & paid account plans depending on your needs.