Campaigns functionality with seated events

Campaigns functionality with seated events

Our campaign system is also integrated with our numbered seating platform. There are two main ways of activating campaigns with seats:

1. With a seating category;

2. With Individual Seats (using Audiences).


Seating Categories

  • Go to My Events;
  • Click on Manage of the Event;
  • On the left-hand side click Promotions & Offers, then Campaigns;
  • Click Create campaign, type in the name of campaign, then click Next;
  • Campaigns condition: Generate unique code;
  • Enter code;
  • Click Next;
  • Campaign effect: Unlock seat categories;
  • Choose seat category;
  • You then have the optional settings to choose Max Tickets per Order and the Total Orders;
  • Click Next;
  • Start campaign.

Individual Seats (Audiences)

  • Create a .csv file (semi-colon separated) in your spreadsheet software of choice (Excel/Google Sheet) with code and seat number (must be exactly the same labels/names as in seating chart)


  • Click your Profile Picture in the Top Right;
  • On the left-hand side, click Venue, then Audiences;
  • Click Add Static Group;
  • Choose a unique name for the Audience and upload a CSV file;
  • Mark Ignore headers row and choose the correct headers columns as seen in the screenshot below.


  • Click Save and check your email for a confirmation email, if all is done correctly you will receive a success;
  • Go to Manage event of the event you want;
  • On the left-hand side choose, Venue, then Reservations;
  • Select the Audiences you have uploaded, Choose whether or not you wish the tickets to be free and/or there is a Redeem Offer Link, Click Add;
  • Check your email for a confirmation email;
  • At the same event, visit Promotions & Offers, then Campaigns;
  • Create a new Campaign;
  • Make sure the Campaigns condition is Audiences;
  • And the "Select by" is Access code;
  • Next, choose the Effect:


Option 1

  • Campaign effect: Unlock seat category for an Audience member;
  • NB: NOT available on account level campaigns.


Option 2

  • Campaigns effect: Unlock seat for an Audience member;
  • Select if the seat should be free (this will overwrite any price set on the ticket type);
  • Select if unlocked seats should automatically be added to the basket;
  • NB: NOT available on the account level.

You're able to choose with the discounts effects if the ticket should be free or not.

Once decided, Start the campaign and check the codes are working on the event!

Please feel free to contact regarding any audience inqueries.