How does Billetto know which tickets were sold through Billetto Advertising?

Billetto uses UTM tags which are attached to the paid media links that Billetto Advertising is using. 

What is a UTM tag?

A UTM code includes small pieces of coded data that attach to the end of a URL to help you keep track of your content and campaign performance. UTM codes have two components and five standard parameters.

The two components of UTM codes are:

  • Tracking variable: UTM codes have a unique variable that identifies the dimension you are tracking. The variable always comes after the "=" sign. The variable after the equals sign may only have letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, and a "+" sign. 
  • UTM parameter: The UTM parameter starts with "utm_" and there are five different parameters you can track: utm_campaign, utm_source, utm_email, utm_term, and utm_content. 

A generic UTM Code Example social - Your website

url-slug - URL slug

utm_campaign%Name - Campaign name

utm_source=facebook - Source Signifier

utm_medium=paid social - Medium Signifier


You can read UTM codes like a sentence. In this example with the Billetto URL slug page, we're only tracking people through the set campaign (''Campaign Name''), the source is Facebook, and the medium is paid social. 


Billetto Advertising uses source=billetto+advertising, therfore, all other sources will automatically be attributed as made by the organiser.


Which channels on the Billetto platform are organic (advertising-free)?

  • Search (if the ticket buyer find your event through Billetto search)
  • The link (if you share a link with your audience)
  • Your own advertising efforts (it will have a different link than the one from Billetto Advertising)

Which channels are powered by Billetto Advertising?

  • Search Engines (ex. Google)
  • Sponsored content that goes through Billetto social media platforms
  • Promoted events on the Billetto front page (eg. Frontpage, recommendations, and search)

Learn which channels Billetto Advertising uses to promote our organisers events here.


