Public organiser profile page

Public organiser profile page

We recommend you set up a Public Profile for the organisation you are selling for. Your Billetto profile is a good way to share all your events. Ticket buyers can see a description of your organisation, search through event dates, follow your profile, and receive updates about your events

To make changes to your profile:

  • Click on ''Menu'';
  • Then select ''Public profile''.

Public Profile

This information will be accessible to Ticket Buyers through your Public Profile and order confirmation

  • Contactable email address for ticket buyers;
  • The name of your organisation;
  • A description for your public profile;
  • The option to enable or disable a public profile;
  • A profile picture (This will be found on your Event Page and Organiser Profile, cropped into a circle);
  • A cover image (We recommend a high-resolution image with few words, 1920 x 630 is preferred);
  • Links to your Social Media and Website.


To view your Public profile as a ticket buyer would, when on the Public Profile edit page there will be a button called "View Public Profile".

You can then copy the link on this page and use it to advertise your events!