How do I link and connect events that are connected to my membership event?

Connecting an event to a membership

When creating an event, you will have the option to connect it to one or more membership, the list below shows all existing events connected to your membership. Members of this subscription will receive free access to the events.


  • Click Manage;
  • Click Memberships;
  • Click on Events in the left bar, you can now see the events associated with your membership event.
  • Click on Connect event in the top right
  • Search for the Event that you wish to connect

Please note: You can only connect events that have no sales. Additionally it is currently only possible to connect seated memberships to seated events, and similarly unseated.


Make sure your event and membership has a total event capacity to prevent overselling.


You can also find them if you are under manage. On the membership event go to Overview and then Events.