How to cancel your free ticket
If you have a free ticket, you can cancel it within our interface. Log into your Billetto account (if you don't have a password, please use the reset password to create one).
- Go to Wallet
Click on Options to the event you have a ticket for.
The ticket will rotate, and you will see the option Cancel ticket. Select this option, and your ticket will be successfully canceled.
Please note this action is not reversible once completed and paid tickets or memberships cannot be canceled.
If the Cancel Ticket option is not visible , it means the feature is not enabled for the event. In this case, you need to contact the organizer by clicking Contact Organizer to cancel your ticket(s).
It is always a good idea to reach out to the organizer if the cancellation feature is not available, as some organizers may have a No-show fee for missing the event.
Remember to provide your name, email, and order ID when requesting a cancellation, as this helps the organizer locate the correct order more easily.
Other available options:
- Download PDF
- Edit – change the name on your ticket(s)
- Directions