How do I delete my Billetto account?

If you would like to delete your account, you must log in to Billetto first & then follow the steps below: 

  • Click on ''Menu'';
  • Click "Account";
  • Scroll down within Login to the ''Delete account'' section;
  • You will be prompted to confirm your intent with a password.  

This request can take up to 30 days to complete and you will receive a notification once this is complete.

If your account has live tickets you will need to cancel them before deleting your account.


*If your account is linked with Facebook or Google you may need to set up a password to confirm the account deletion, to do this visit the reset password page here.

It is not currently possible to delete your account through our App, please use the website within a browser.


Once you have requested to delete your account you will be automatically logged out of Billetto. You will not be able to log in with your email and password. If you have hosted events with Billetto or have any current tickets with ticket sales, please get in touch with Billetto Support above before deleting your account.