How can I change my account email address?

How can I change my account email address?

On Billetto there are two email addresses associated with your account, the Login account email, and your public email address. 


To change your login email: 

  • Navigate to "My Account" in the top right then;
  • Then Click on "Personal settings";
  • Here, you can edit the personal email address that you use to log in to Billetto;
  • You will be prompted to confirm your intent with a password.  

To change your public email

  • Navigate to "My Account" in the top right;
  • Then Click on "Public Profile";
  • Here, you can edit the public email address that is connected to ticket buyers.


NOTE: If an account already exists with the email address you are attempting to change to, an error message will be generated and your attempted change will be unsuccessful.