Child events are individual events for each time you want to sell tickets.


When you create and change the settings for your events, you need to be aware of 2 things:


Parent events - All settings are inherited for all children's events.
Children events - Here settings are set for the individual event only.


No tickets available at one or more child events

If you experience ''No tickets available'' at your event, we recommend doing the following:

  • Click My Events at the top right;
  • Click Manage at the navigation;
  • Then you will find the desired child events and click 'Edit';
  • Then go down to the tickets section;
  • Click on the cog icon to the right (advanced settings). Here you can change the ticket sales start and end date.

When this is changed just press publish and in most cases, the tickets should be available again.


No tickets available at all children's events

If you experience ''No tickets available'' at your event, do the following:

  • Click My Events at the top right;
  • Click 'Edit';
  • Then go down to the tickets section;
  • Click on the cog to the right (advanced settings). Here you can change the ticket sales start and end date.

When this is changed just press publish and in most cases, the tickets should be available again.


NOTE: If the tickets are still unavailable, be sure to check if you have entered a number of tickets you want to sell and then publish.