Manage events feature list

Manage events feature list


  • Sales - Here you will have an overview of your sales.
  • Audience Insights - Here you can view information and analytics about purchased tickets.
    Guestlist & Reports - Here you can request guestlists, business intelligent reports, and transaction summaries on this page.
  • Activity Log - Here you can find a list of all activities related to your event, Whether it's the organiser, ticket buyers buying tickets, or Billetto administrators

Customisations & Design

  • Tickets & Orders - Here you can customise your tickets with images or additional order confirmation text.
  • Booking questions - Previously found under “Marketing”. Same feature with added functionality.
  • Event page - Here you can add Headliners (previously “Speakers”) and change the name of the ticket purchase button and Organiser Terms and Conditions
  • Online-page - Here you can create a separate page for your online event. This page will be visible to your ticket buyers after they have purchased a ticket. You can add a link or embed a video/external webinar/live stream and add text to create your online event page.
  • Payment Methods - Here you can manage whether you wish to have Paypal and e-invoicing. Please note these options have an additional charge.


  • Seating Chart - This will give you a birds-eye overview of all the seats, which you can click on and see the status, and purchaser.
  • Categories - Here you can connect ticket types to seating categories
  • Reservations - Here you can choose to reserve seats for specific people so they are not available for general sale


  • Share Event - All the tips and links you need to share your event
  • Email - Here you will find a system to allow you to email ticket buyers, learn more
  • Analytics - Here you will find the settings for Facebook Pixel & Google Analytics.
  • Zapier - Here you can connect Billetto to over 2000 applications. Automate your workflow and leave the manual work behind. 

Promotions & Offers

  • Access Codes - Previously found in “Marketing” - A quick system to allow you to use codes to unlock ticket types.
  • Campaigns - A new feature for creating promotions discounts, loyalty, early-bird discounts & offers.


  • Manage Tickets - Previously “Tickets” was found in “Overview”. You can generate tickets from here, upload tickets, or export. There are a couple of ticket transfer options.
  • Manage Orders - Here you can view and edit orders for your event.
  • Waiting List - A feature to toggle a waiting list when the event is sold out.


  • Billetto app - Combining your “Organiser Key” and the “Billetto App” page.
  • Door Sales - Previously “Till Settings”  - allowing you to configure more advanced settings for your Box Office
  • Scanning settings - Previously found in “Attendees”. An Advanced settings page for things related to Ticket scanning
  • Transfer scanning list - Here you will find the “Import Barcodes” and “Offline Scanner”.
  • Check-in status - Previously found in “Attendees”.