Can I see an overview and forecast of all my memberships?

Billetto has built a custom Memberships overview page. Get an overview of number of sold memberships, successful charges & the charges forecast for the given time period (month to date, quarter to date or year to date).


You can gain access to this page by visiting:

  1. Manage in the top Bar
  2. Clicking on Sales
  3. Selecting Memberships in the tabs


First you'll see some basic stats on

  • Total membership orders
  • Active memberships
  • Total Charges

Secondly a graph showing the number of memberships created in a given period with comparison to the previous period.


After a graph showing Successful Charges in agiven period of time compared to the previous period.

Finally the Forecast Charges for a given period of time. It includes all currently active subscriptions and assumes no subscription will be cancelled until the end of the given period. This can help you gain an idea of revenue coming in next month